damnable$18802$ - traducción al griego
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damnable$18802$ - traducción al griego

Mary Ann Conklin; Madame Damnable

adj. καταδικάσιμος, καταδικαστέος, καταδικάσιμα


¦ verb
1. (be damned) (in Christian belief) be condemned by God to suffer eternal punishment in hell.
be doomed to misfortune or failure.
2. condemn, especially publicly.
3. curse.
¦ exclamation informal expressing anger or frustration.
¦ adjective informal used to emphasize one's anger or frustration: turn that damn thing off!
as near as damn it informal as close to being accurate as makes no difference.
damn all Brit. informal nothing.
damn with faint praise praise so unenthusiastically as to imply condemnation.
I'm (or I'll be) damned if informal used to express a strong negative: I'm damned if I know.
not be worth a damn informal have no value.
well I'll be (or I'm) damned informal used to express surprise.
ME: from OFr. dam(p)ner, from L. dam(p)nare 'inflict loss on', from damnum 'loss, damage'.


Mother Damnable

Mary Ann Conklin, also known as Mother Damnable and Madame Damnable (1821–1873) was an American madam who ran Seattle's first brothel, the Felker House, a major means of funneling money from sailors and lumbermen into local businesses. The name by which she is most widely known derives not from the nature of her business, but from her legendarily unrestrained language, learned at sea and from her customers. It was said that she swore expertly in Chinese, English, French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish.